Friday, April 29, 2011

Current ARTicles 2

1. Who is the subject in the piece? What is her significance to Picasso?
I believe the subject was an important woman to Picasso, possibly a family member or his mother. I get this from the emphasis on her breast and the book in her lap ( like when your mother would you read stories). I do know for sure that the emphasis on the book shows the woman is educated and the positioning of the book being slowly consumed in her "belly" shows that she is possibly passing on that knowledge to her child.

2. It looks like a 5th grader could of painted this piece. Why do you think a painting can cost that much?
I believe the painting costs so much because it was created by a world renowned painter, therefore it is "worth" it.

3.  When the world is in a recession do you think Art should cost this much? Why or why not?
No it shouldn't because the money that went toward purchasing this piece could have been given to a vast amount of people who are struggling in this recession.

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