Friday, March 11, 2011

Interview about Cultural Identity


In my quest to find what people truly know about WHAT cultural identity is, I found a lot of reference to race.  Many answered that because they were a certain race or ethnicity, that they identify most with people of the same skin color (ie. this I was outside of school interview). Many didn't understand the concept as a whole, in which I would give my interpretation on what culture is and how one can related to many cultures  that deal with religion, music, food, art, language, etc. After my explanation people would go into detail on what cultural groups they truly identify with. Inside school however, the concept was not as hard to understand, wherein students would say that they identify with dancers, singer, and artists. I believe that stereotypes shadow the real meaning of what cultural identity is, because many associate race with concepts like Hip Hop or Mexican food.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Art Links for Cultural Identity,r:0,s:153&biw=1003&bih=508,r:4,s:145&biw=1003&bih=508,r:1,s:217&biw=1003&bih=508,r:1,s:287&tx=137&ty=106